La Rueda Que Mueve Al Mundo

Los Espíritus
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La rueda que mueve al mundo va a girar y girar

The wheel that moves the world is going to turn and turn

La rueda que mueve al mundo va a girar y girar

The wheel that moves the world is going to turn and turn

Dinero, sangre, humo, eso la hace girar

Money, blood, smoke, that's what makes it turn

Dinero, sangre, humo, eso la hace girar

Money, blood, smoke, that's what makes it turn

La rueda alimenta a unos pocos

The wheel feeds only a few

Para nosotros no hay mas que palizas o entretenimientos

For us, there is nothing but beatings or entertainment

Para poder aguantar vamos a trabajar y después a comprar

To endure, we will work and then buy

Y a hacer la rueda girar y girar y girar

And make the wheel turn and turn and turn



Pobrecita la madre tierra

Poor Mother Earth

Si, pobre

Yes, poor

Pobre vieja madre tierra

Poor old Mother Earth

Pudrimos los mares, pudrimos los ríos

We rot the seas, we rot the rivers

Pudrimos las aguas que beben los niños

We rot the waters that children drink

Los niños que quieren crecer para comprar y vender

Children who want to grow up to buy and sell

Los niños que quieren crecer para comprar y vender

Children who want to grow up to buy and sell

Para vender y comprar, para usar y tirar y hacer la rueda girar y girar

To sell and buy, to use and discard and make the wheel turn and turn

Y aunque el cielo se vuelva oscuro

And even if the sky turns dark

Va a girar y girar

It will turn and turn

Aunque los chicos se mueran en tu puerta

Even if the boys die at your door

Va a girar y girar

It will turn and turn

Aunque tu abuela junte cartones

Even if your grandmother collects cardboard

Va a girar y girar

It will turn and turn

La rueda que mueve al mundo va a girar y girar

The wheel that moves the world is going to turn and turn

La rueda que mueve al mundo va a girar y girar

The wheel that moves the world is going to turn and turn

Moderated by Ricardo Romero
Montevideo, Uruguay January 8, 2025
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