El recuerdo
El BarrioLyrics
Y dice que a menudo
And he says that often
se le ve mirando un cuadro
You can see him looking at a painting
que le cuelga en la pared
That hangs on the wall
y dice que se levanta muy cansa
And he says that he gets up very tired
dice que el tiempo lo ha maltratado
He says that time has mistreated him
que el sol da vida, a su pelito plateado
That the sun gives life to his silver hair
y dice que tiene ganas de recordar el pasado
And he says he wants to remember the past
que muchas veces hace soñar
That many times makes him dream
amargo ahora con sus despertar
Bitter now with his awakenings
dice que apenas existen bajeras
He says that there are hardly any bottom sheets
que se prefiere america a las habichuelas
That he prefers America to beans
que no hay telera ni mantequita colora
That there is no bread or colored butter
dice que el hambre es boniato
He says hunger is sweet potato
el pelearte con un mes para unos zapatos
Fighting with a month for a pair of shoes
el acostarte y porque viene Baltasar amargo...
Going to bed and because Baltasar comes bitter...
amargo con su despertar
Bitter with his awakening
recuerdos de gente pobre
Memories of poor people
y humildad que se pintaba con cal la casa
And humility painted with lime on the house
un caballo de cartón una muñeca de trapo
A cardboard horse, a rag doll
cambiar en el cole un boli por estampas
Trading a pen for stamps at school
soñar despierto por un beso enamorado
Daydreaming for a lover's kiss
dice que el sereno de la calle
He says the night watchman on the street
no esta pendiente a quien entra o a quien sale
Isn't paying attention to who comes or goes
que ya, los vientos no secan la ropa moja
That now, the winds don't dry the wet clothes
dice que se hacía en un lebrillo
He says it was done in a basin
unos pesquiños que comían los chiquillos
Some little fish that the kids ate
que al de los dulces le ha tocado el gordo de navidad
That the one with sweets won the Christmas lottery
amargo.. amargo son sus despertar
Bitter... bitter are his awakenings
recuerdo de tiempos pobres y humildad
Memory of poor and humble times
hablo de un plato de sopa de tomate
Talking about a plate of tomato soup
de esas macetas de geranios con lunares
Those pots of geraniums with polka dots
y el del almendro tampoco vuelve a casa por Navidad
And the almond tree doesn't come home for Christmas either
ser el inocente de una broma
Being the innocent one in a joke
compra maiz, tener una foto con palomas
Buying corn, having a photo with doves
dejar fiado lo que no te llega
Leaving credit for what doesn't reach you
para comprar amargo...amargo son sus despertar...
To buy bitter... bitter are his awakenings...
recuerdo de tiempos pobres y humildad
Memory of poor and humble times
recuerdo que te hacen soñar...
Memories that make you dream...