Por un Amor Cucurrucucu Paloma

Jenni Rivera
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Por un amor me desvelo y vivo apasionada

For a love, I stay awake and live passionately

Tengo un amor, en mi vida dejo para siempre amargo dolor

I have a love, in my life, I leave forever with bitter pain

Pobre de mi, esta vida es mejor que se acabe no es para mi

Poor me, this life is better if it ends, it's not for me

Pobre de mi, ay corazon pobre de mi, no sufras mas

Poor me, oh heart, poor me, don't suffer anymore

Cuanto sufre mi pecho que late tan solo por ti

How my chest suffers, beating only for you

Dicen que por las noches nomas se le iba en puro llorar

They say that at night, all he did was cry

Dicen que no dormia nomas se le iba en puro tomar

They say he didn't sleep, all he did was drink

Juran que el mismo cielo se estremecia al oir su llanto

They swear that the very sky trembled upon hearing his cry

Como sufrio por ella que hasta en su muerte la fue llamando

How he suffered for her, calling her even in his death

Cucurrucucu paloma, cucurrucucu no llores

Cucurrucucu dove, cucurrucucu don't cry

Las piedras jamas paloma, que van a saber de amores,

The stones, never dove, they won't understand about loves

Cucurrucucu, cucurrucucu, cucurrucucu

Cucurrucucu, cucurrucucu, cucurrucucu

Paloma ya no le llores

Dove, don't cry for him anymore

Moderated by Ricardo Romero
Montevideo, Uruguay March 1, 2025
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