Brillante Sobre El Mic

Fito Páez
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There are

Recuerdos que no voy a borrar

Memories that I won't erase

Personas que no voy a olvidar

People that I won't forget

Uh, uh-uh

Uh, uh-uh


There are

Aromas que me quiero llevar

Aromas that I want to take with me

Silencios que prefiero callar

Silences that I prefer to keep

Uh, uh-uh

Uh, uh-uh

Son dos

There are two

Las caras de la Luna, son dos

The faces of the moon, there are two

Prefiero que sigamos, mi amor

I prefer that we continue, my love

Presos de este Sol

Prisoners of this sun


To leave


To love


To cry

El tiempo nos ayuda a olvidar

Time helps us forget

Y allá

And there

El tiempo que me lleva hacia allá

The time that takes me there

El tiempo es un efecto fugaz

Time is a fleeting effect

Uh, uh-uh

Uh, uh-uh

Y hay, yeah

And there, yeah

Hay cosas que no voy a olvidar

There are things that I won't forget

La noche que dejaste de actuar

The night you stopped performing

Solo para darme amor

Just to give me love

Para darme amor

To give me love

Para darme amor

To give me love

Ah, ah-ah

Ah, ah-ah

Yo vi tu corazón

I saw your heart

Brillante sobre el mic en una mano

Shining over the mic in one hand

Y, ausente de las cosas, pensaste en dejarlo y tirarlo

And, absent from things, you thought of leaving it and throwing it

Junto a mí, junto a mí

Next to me, next to me


There are

Secretos en el fondo del mar

Secrets at the bottom of the sea

Personas que me quiero llevar

People that I want to take with me

Aromas que no voy a olvidar

Aromas that I won't forget

Silencios que prefiero callar

Silences that I prefer to keep

Mientras vos jugás

While you play

Moderated by Manuel Jimenez
San Salvador, El Salvador February 28, 2025
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