Natanael CanoLyrics
Traigo una pelota del cuadro
I bring a ball from the field
Y esta no viene de Carlos
And this one doesn't come from Carlos
Pero bien loco me trae
But it drives me crazy
Cuánto tiempo ya ha pasado
How much time has passed
Y siento que ando atravesado
And I feel like I'm going through
Disculpen si hablo de más
Sorry if I talk too much
Cuento lo que traigo adentro
I tell what I carry inside
Muy adentro de mí siento
Deep inside, I feel
Que a otro mejor no hallarás
That you won't find another better
Llévate lo que tú quieras
Take whatever you want
Pero no hay manera de que te pueda olvidar
But there's no way I can forget you
Si tus ojos no me quieren dar razón
If your eyes don't want to give me a reason
Entonces solo respóndeme el phone
Then just answer the phone
Entiendo te fuiste a buscar amor
I understand you went to find love
Quiero decirte que aquí no hay traición
I want to tell you there's no betrayal here
Pendejo yo fui al pensar que a mí no
Foolish, I thought that it wouldn't happen to me
Me iba a pasar lo mismo que a otros
That the same thing would happen to me as to others
No te juzgo, baby, así era yo
I don't judge you, baby, that's how I was
Resultaste ser peor que el diablo
You turned out to be worse than the devil
Corridos tumbados
Corridos tumbados
Cuento lo que traigo adentro
I tell what I carry inside
Muy adentro de mí siento
Deep inside, I feel
Que a otro mejor no hallarás
That you won't find another better
Llévate lo que tú quieras
Take whatever you want
Pero no hay manera de que te pueda olvidar
But there's no way I can forget you
Si tus ojos no me quieren dar razón
If your eyes don't want to give me a reason
Entonces solo respóndeme el phone
Then just answer the phone
Entiendo te fuiste a buscar amor
I understand you went to find love
Quiero decirte que aquí no hay traición
I want to tell you there's no betrayal here
Pendejo yo fui al pensar que a mí no
Foolish, I thought that it wouldn't happen to me
Me iba a pasar lo mismo que a otros
That the same thing would happen to me as to others
No te juzgo, baby, así era yo
I don't judge you, baby, that's how I was
Resultaste ser peor que el diablo
You turned out to be worse than the devil