Fuiste tú
Fuiste tú
You were the one
Hay un lugar
There's a place
Donde algunas veces
Where sometimes
La luna se olvida de mandar...
The moon forgets to send...
La tristeza que lleva a la soledad
The sadness that leads to solitude
Y sin pensar
And without thinking
En algunas noches
On some nights
Perdido en "te quieros" de aquella...
Lost in "I love yous" from that...
Que te hizo cantar...
That made you sing...
Y sin ver ni tocar
And without seeing or touching
Sientes como el aire te besa
You feel how the air kisses you
Que el calor de tu sonrisa
May the warmth of your smile
Sea quien rompa mi tranquilidad
Be the one to break my tranquility
Por eso en ti
That's why in you
Yo veo un sentido inverso
I see an inverse meaning
Girando así
Turning this way
Sin saber lo que hay tras tus besos
Without knowing what lies behind your kisses
La exacta demagogía
The exact demagoguery
De sabor agriodulzón
Of a bittersweet taste
Hoy prefiero las canciones
Today, I prefer songs
Porque hoy soy yo quien se escapa
Because today it's me who escapes
Soy yo quien no quiere hablar
It's me who doesn't want to talk
Me has matado... te has llevado mi libertad
You've killed me... taken away my freedom
La he buscado, en los destellos del mar...
I've searched for it, in the glimmers of the sea...
Fuiste tú quien robó mis labios
You were the one who stole my lips
Al pasar por mi portal
As you passed by my door
Fuiste tú... fuiste tú...
You were the one... you were the one...
Fuiste tú quien robó mi mes de abril
You were the one who stole my April
¡Du you vuan una copita vuiz mi!
Would you like a little wine with me?