Los YaguaruLyrics
Cuentale, que has pasado mil
Tell him that you've spent a thousand
Noches llorando por mi
Nights crying for me
Cuentale, que mientras te habla
Tell him that while he talks to you
Tu piensas en mi
You're thinking of me
Cuentale, que no sabes que
Tell him that you don't know
Hacer sin mi amor
What to do without my love
Que a donde vallas y vez una flor
That wherever you go and see a flower
Es el recuerdo de nuestro amor
It's the memory of our love
Cuentale, que tu no me has
Tell him that you haven't been able
Podido olvidar
To forget me
Cuentale, que cualquier cosa
Tell him that anything
Te hace recordar,
Makes you remember
Nuetras momentos,
Our moments,
Nuetras caricias,
Our caresses,
Y tambien nuestra
And also our
Forma de amar
Way of loving
Moderated by
Isabella Lopez
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
August 27, 2024
Fuiste tú
As Veces Tu, As Veces Yo
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