Las 3 huastecas
Mariachi CobreLyrics
Para hablar de la Huasteca, hay que haber nacido allá
To talk about the Huasteca, one must have been born there
Saborear la carne seca, con traguitos de mezcal
Savoring the dried meat, with sips of mezcal
Fumar cigarrito de hoja, prenderlo con pedernal
Smoking a cigar with leaves, lighting it with flint
Y aquel que mejor lo moja, mas largo lo fumara
And the one who wets it better, will smoke it longer
Esa Huasteca, yo no se lo que tendrá
That Huasteca, I don't know what it has
El que una vez la conoce, regresa y se queda allá
He who knows it once, returns and stays there
Huasteca linda, yo no te podré olvidar
Beautiful Huasteca, I won't be able to forget you
Si nací con tu querencia, y nací con tu cantar
If I was born with your affection, and I was born with your song
La Huasteca Potosina, tiene flores de a montón
The Huasteca Potosina, has flowers aplenty
Sierras llenas de neblina, y laderas de ilusión
Mountains full of mist, and slopes of illusion
En la Huasteca Hidalguense, no se alquila el corazón
In the Huasteca Hidalguense, the heart is not rented
Aquel que no diga dispense, no amanece en su colchón
He who doesn't say sorry, doesn't wake up in his bed
Esa Huasteca, quien sabe lo que tendrá
That Huasteca, who knows what it has
El que una vez la conoce, regresa y se queda allá
He who knows it once, returns and stays there
Huasteca linda, yo no te podré olvidar
Beautiful Huasteca, I won't be able to forget you
Si nací con tu querencia, y nací con tu cantar
If I was born with your affection, and I was born with your song
Huasteca Veracruzana, que se arrulla con el mar
Huasteca Veracruzana, that cradles with the sea
Que canta con las montañas, y se duerme en el palmar
That sings with the mountains, and sleeps in the palm grove
Se lazan toros ladinos, corriendo por el breñal
Wild bulls are roped, running through the thicket
Mientras lloran los violines, guapangueando en el corral
While the violins weep, playing in the corral
Esa Huasteca, yo no se lo que tendrá
That Huasteca, I don't know what it has
El que una vez la conoce, regresa y se queda allá
He who knows it once, returns and stays there
Huasteca linda, yo no te podré olvidar
Beautiful Huasteca, I won't be able to forget you
Si nací con tu querencia, y nací con tu cantar
If I was born with your affection, and I was born with your song