Quizás Con Quién
Los TresLyrics
Quizás con quién
Perhaps with whom
Andarás ahora
You will be walking now
Quizás con quién
Perhaps with whom
Llenarás las horas
You will fill the hours
Dime con quién
Tell me with whom
Yo también te diré
I will also tell you
Quizás con quién
Perhaps with whom
Quizás con quién
Perhaps with whom
Verás los días bellos
You will see beautiful days
Con luz obscura
With dark light
Y sonido entero
And complete sound
Y dime quién
And tell me who
Hará de tu cabello
Will make your hair
Solo gracia
Only grace
Y amor verdadero
And true love
Ya entendí
I understand now
Que tal vez no me quieras
That maybe you don't love me
Ya entendí
I understand now
Que tal vez no me esperas
That maybe you don't wait for me
Y ahora vendrá todo el desenfreno
And now the frenzy will come
Y luego otra vez la soledad
And then again, loneliness
No pretendo ser más tu veneno
I don't intend to be more your poison
La tristeza para mí no es novedad
Sadness is not news to me
Quizás con quién
Perhaps with whom
Quizás con quién
Perhaps with whom
Verás los días bellos
You will see beautiful days
Con luz obscura
With dark light
Y sonido entero
And complete sound
Y dime quién
And tell me who
Hará de tu cabello
Will make your hair
Solo gracia
Only grace
Y amor verdadero
And true love
Ya entendí
I understand now
Que tal vez no me quieras
That maybe you don't love me
Ya entendí
I understand now
Que tal vez no me esperas
That maybe you don't wait for me
Y ahora vendrá todo el desenfreno
And now the frenzy will come
Y luego otra vez la soledad
And then again, loneliness
No pretendo ser más tu veneno
I don't intend to be more your poison
La tristeza para mí no es novedad
Sadness is not news to me
Quizás con quién
Perhaps with whom
Y si alguna vez me ves en sueños
And if you ever see me in dreams
Es mi sombra la que te fue a visitar
It's my shadow that came to visit you
Ya no espero, no pienso y no quiero
I no longer hope, I don't think, and I don't want
Verme envuelto en noches sin final
To see myself wrapped in endless nights
Quizás con quién
Perhaps with whom
Quizás con quién
Perhaps with whom
Quizás con quién
Perhaps with whom