La Amenaza
Ayax y ProkLyrics
(Yo soy una amenaza)
(I am a threat)
Yo soy una amenaza, un fenómeno en masa
I am a threat, a phenomenon in mass
Que arrasa to' la' calle' y la' plaza'
That sweeps through all the streets and squares
El demonio se casa, me abraza
The demon gets married, embraces me
Me enseña su casa, sus cosa', dice quiere venganza
Shows me his house, his things, says he wants revenge
To'a esa' paya' te abrasa, te atrasa, yo te ayudo en la tranza
All those fools burn you, slow you down, I help you in the deal
Lo metemo' en la prensa y no sale en la prensa
We put it in the press and it doesn't come out in the press
Who shot you? Nos vamos de caza, tú sal ya
Who shot you? We go hunting, you get out now
Coloca las pieza' de soldier
Place the soldier pieces
Me he cria'o en el Haza, en masa, colapsa
I was raised in El Haza, in mass, it collapses
En el dos mil era la franja de Gaza, ni tirita' ni casa
In the year two thousand, it was the Gaza Strip, no band-aids, no homes
Debajo la losa, la pеsa, la' placa'
Under the slab, the weight, the plates
Los secreto' 'e la NASA еn la mesa
The secrets of NASA on the table
Un plan pa' que me llamen alteza
A plan for them to call me highness
Tráeme toa' esa' cabeza' pa' que empiece la empresa, me estresa
Bring me all those heads so the business begins, it stresses me
Nunca me haga' otra de esa'
Never do another one like that
Que te meto en la bolsa, en la balsa, con los pies lleno' 'e pesa'
I put you in the bag, in the raft, with your feet full of weight
Esto es lo más grasa, sin traza, no me de' ni las gracia'
This is the fattest, without a trace, don't even give me thanks
No hay prisa, ere' mi yonqui, mi presa
No hurry, you're my junkie, my prey
Mañana está engancha'o a la musa
Tomorrow you'll be hooked on the muse
No verá' nunca risa', ni brisa', mi maldad es inmensa
You won't see laughter, or breezes, my evil is immense
El aire condensa, se densa
The air condenses, it thickens
Situacione' muy tensa', intensa'
Situations very tense, intense
Piénsate si compensa
Think if it's worth it
Yo me he cria'o en el sur, justo pasando la cruz
I was raised in the south, just past the cross
No fue un camino a la luz, esto es le cri de la rue
It wasn't a path to the light, this is the cry of the street
Vamo' a correr a los de azul, como detrás de Zizou
We're going to run after the blue ones, like behind Zizou
Le dije: Ponte Sousou, vamo' a elegir el ataúd
I told him: Put on Sousou, let's choose the coffin
Ya tengo ahorra'o ese flush, no quiero ver a Jesús
I've already saved this flush, I don't want to see Jesus
A mí me habló Belcebú, seteó la actitud
Belzebub spoke to me, set the attitude
Siempre pedía el atún, cuando sonaba Big Pun
Always asked for tuna when Big Pun played
Eso' rapero' son crunch, yo el Super Saiyan de Trunks
Those rappers are crunch, I'm the Super Saiyan of Trunks
Si te roban no me llore', la vida tiene dolore'
If they rob you, don't cry to me, life has pains
Lo' tuyo' son bueno' actore', como vigilao' por drone'
Yours are good actors, like watched by drones
Va' a tener que hacer flexione', aquí guardamo' los rencore'
You'll have to do push-ups, here we keep the grudges
Lo' del centro de menore' ahora suena en interiore'
Those from the youth center now sound in the interiors
En la terraza de los barrio' pobre'
On the terrace of the poor neighborhoods
En los coche' de eso' tigre', voy a sonar en el Louvre
In those tiger cars, I'm going to sound in the Louvre
Estoy metiéndole hardcore, traigo velociraptore'
I'm doing hardcore, bringing velociraptors
Te dejo la calle gore, esto es pa' mis cabrone'
I leave you the street gore, this is for my bastards
Vamo' a correr a los de azul
We're going to run after the blue ones
Como detrás de Zizou
Like behind Zizou
Esto es le cri de la rue
This is the cry of the street