Regalo de Jesús
Los ToribianitosLyrics
Vamos a Belén a adorar al niño Dios
Let's go to Bethlehem to worship the child God
A llevarle unos regalos, yo le doy mi corazón
To bring him some gifts, I give him my heart
Vamos a Belén a adorar al niño Dios
Let's go to Bethlehem to worship the child God
A llevarle unos regalos, yo le doy mi corazón
To bring him some gifts, I give him my heart
A ver al niño Jesús he venido de Ayacucho
To see the baby Jesus, I've come from Ayacucho
Cuatro quesos le he traído porque yo lo quiero mucho
I've brought him four cheeses because I love him so much
Y yo desde el cuzco vengo para ver a mi niñito
And I come from Cuzco to see my little boy
Con amor le he traído un ponchito y un chullito
With love, I've brought him a little poncho and a hat
Desde el misti vengo a adorar al rey eterno he
From Misti, I come to worship the eternal king
Traído unos buñuelos, también rocotos rellenos
I've brought some fritters and also stuffed peppers
Caminando muy de prisa desde chincha he venido
Walking in a hurry, I've come from Chincha
A Jesús le he traído tejas, uvas y un buen vino
I've brought Jesus tiles, grapes, and good wine
Desde lima he traido mazamorra para el niño
From Lima, I've brought porridge for the child
Pa' María y pa' José: Miel turrón y camotillo
For Mary and Joseph: Honey, nougat, and sweet potato
Los chalacos tempranito salimos en bote al mar
Early in the morning, we Chalacos set out by boat to the sea
Pesca y pesca con la red, pa' ofrecerle al Emmanuel
Fishing and fishing with the net, to offer to Emmanuel