De Qué Me Vas a Hablar

Dread Mar I
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De qué me vas hablar

What are you going to talk to me about

Si no sabes de amor

If you don't know about love

De qué me vas a hablar

What are you going to talk to me about

No tienes corazón

You don't have a heart

Pensar en destruir

Thinking about destroying

Esa es tu devoción

That's your devotion

Obtener y obtener

To obtain and obtain

Esa es tu ambición

That's your ambition

Mientras el mundo se nos viene encima

While the world is falling upon us

Tú le quitas la mano a quienes necesitan

You take your hand away from those in need

Te piden una mano y se las negas

They ask you for a hand, and you deny it to them

No miras al costado ni quien viene atrás

You don't look to the side or at who is coming behind

Y te llenas la boca de que traes cambios

And you fill your mouth with bringing changes

Y esta está igual hace ya muchos años

And it's the same as it was many years ago

El único momento es el de despertar

The only moment is the one to wake up

Si no les digo que esto nunca va a cambiar

If I don't tell you that this will never change

De qué me vas hablar

What are you going to talk to me about

Si no sabes de amor

If you don't know about love

De qué me vas a hablar

What are you going to talk to me about

No tienes corazón

You don't have a heart

Pensar en destruir

Thinking about destroying

Esa es tu devoción

That's your devotion

Obtener y obtener

To obtain and obtain

Esa es tu ambición

That's your ambition

Y así son las cuestiones de esta nueva vida

And that's how the issues of this new life are

Si no nos despertamos, ya no habrá alegría

If we don't wake up, there will be no joy

Están empecinados en asesinar

They are determined to assassinate

A quienes despertaron para esto cambiar

Those who woke up to change this

Debemos levantarnos

We must rise

No les den el gusto

Don't give them the satisfaction

Siempre fueron los malos

They have always been the villains

Nosotros los justos

We are the righteous

Lo que conozco solo de esta relación

All I know about this relationship

Es el odio que guardan en su corazón

Is the hatred they hold in their hearts

De qué me vas hablar

What are you going to talk to me about

Si no sabes de amor

If you don't know about love

De qué me vas a hablar

What are you going to talk to me about

No tienes corazón

You don't have a heart

Pensar en destruir

Thinking about destroying

Esa es tu devoción

That's your devotion

Obtener y obtener

To obtain and obtain

Esa es tu ambición

That's your ambition

De qué me vas hablar

What are you going to talk to me about

De qué me vas hablar

What are you going

Moderated by Carlos García
Lima, Perú May 22, 2024
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