Te Has Marchado

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No lo has pensado

You haven't thought about it

Me dejas con la miel entre los labios

You leave me with honey between my lips

Rompiendo cada sueño que tuve

Breaking every dream I had

Sin ni siquiera echar la vista atrás

Without even looking back

Estoy manchado

I am stained

De malos pensamientos me inundaron

Bad thoughts flooded me

Mi mente cuando estaba en esa nube

My mind when I was in that cloud

Creyendo que te iba a enamorar

Believing that I was going to make you fall in love

Y entre tus brazos

And in your arms

Tantas veces me desperté llorando

So many times I woke up crying

Decenas de pañuelos empapados

Dozens of soaked handkerchiefs

Creyendo que te ibas a marchar

Thinking you were going to leave

Y recordando

And remembering

Tantos atardeceres paseando

So many sunsets walking

Y esos amaneceres que robamos

And those stolen sunrises

Servían pa' que dejara de llorar

They served for me to stop crying

Y te has marchado

And you have left

Dejándome el dolor entre las manos

Leaving me with pain in my hands

Haciendo que reviva cada día

Making me relive every day

Cada vez que las tenga que mirar

Every time I have to look at them

Y te has marchado

And you have left

Y eternamente vivo enamorado

And eternally I live in love

Tratando con desprecio la alegría

Treating joy with contempt

Y a to' el que me la quiera contagiar

And anyone who wants to infect me with it

No me importaba

I didn't care

Que los rayos del Sol me iluminaram

That the rays of the sun illuminated me

Y el agua de la lluvia no mojara

And the rainwater didn't wet me

Si el miedo de perderte no volvía

If the fear of losing you didn't return

Me equivocaba

I was wrong

Pidiéndole al de arriba

Asking the one above

Que me amaras

That you would love me

Creía que el amor predominaba

I thought love prevailed

Pero sé que de él no dependía

But I know it didn't depend on it

Y entre tus brazos

And in your arms

Tantas veces me desperté llorando

So many times I woke up crying

Decenas de pañuelos empapados

Dozens of soaked handkerchiefs

Creyendo que te ibas a marchar

Thinking you were going to leave

Y recordando

And remembering

Tantos atardeceres paseando

So many sunsets walking

Y esos amaneceres que robamos

And those stolen sunrises

Servían pa' que dejara de llorar

They served for me to stop crying

Y te has marchado

And you have left

Dejándome el dolor entre las manos

Leaving me with pain in my hands

Haciendo que reviva cada día

Making me relive every day

Cada vez que las tenga que mirar

Every time I have to look at them

Y te has marchado

And you have left

Y eternamente vivo enamorado

And eternally I live in love

Tratando con desprecio la alegría

Treating joy with contempt

Y a to' el que me la quiera contagiar

And anyone who wants to infect me with it

Moderated by Alejandro López
Madrid, España October 2, 2024
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