He Pecado

Andrés Cabas
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He pecado, he pecado

I have sinned, I have sinned

mira no te acerques a mi lado

Look, don't come close to my side

amé con las fuerzas de mi corazón

I loved with the strength of my heart

y eso hoy día hace daño

And that today hurts

He fallado, he fallado

I have failed, I have failed

te di todo y no pedí ni el cambio

I gave you everything and didn't ask for a change

amé sin pena y sin condición

I loved without shame and without condition

como me lo han enseñado

As I've been taught



Y traigo pedazos de mi corazón

And I bring pieces of my heart

traigo pedazos de mi corazón en las manos

I bring pieces of my heart in my hands

y vengo a matar y a dejar tu recuerdo

And I come to kill and leave your memory

vengo a matar y dejar tu recuerdo en el piano

I come to kill and leave your memory on the piano

pero vive tu imagen revive y se sube a mis brazos

But your image lives, revives, and rises to my arms

llega ardiendo a mi garganta

It arrives burning in my throat

y me hace gritarle a los cielos

And makes me shout to the heavens

que no me arrepiento

That I don't regret

que no me arrepiento y que vuelvo a tus brazos

That I don't regret and that I return to your arms

mi dulce pecado

My sweet sin

He pecado, he pecado

I have sinned, I have sinned

por desearte más que demasiado

For desiring you more than too much

te amé sin medida, te amé sin control

I loved you immeasurably, I loved you uncontrollably

y eso niña hoy lo pago

And that, girl, today I pay for

He tratado, he tratado

I have tried, I have tried

de quererte menos y he fallado

To love you less, and I have failed

no supe de reglas, te amé mas que a Dios

I didn't know about rules, I loved you more than God

y eso sí que es pecado

And that, indeed, is a sin

Refrão (1x)

Chorus (1x)

Sigo contigo hasta el fin, mi dulce pecado.

I'm with you until the end, my sweet sin

Moderated by Daniel Ramos
La Paz, Bolivia September 25, 2024
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