Gracias Porque Volviste

Valentín Elizalde
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gracias porque volviste muchas gracias

Thank you because you came back, thank you very much

si vieras que amarga y triste es la soledad

If you could see how bitter and sad loneliness is

sentí que sin tu presencia iba a morirme

I felt that without your presence, I was going to die

que nunca más en tus ojos me iba a ver ya

That I would never see myself again in your eyes

el llanto que por ti lloro sale del alma

The tears I cry for you come from the soul

son puras gotas de sangre del corazon

They are pure drops of blood from the heart

mi vida sin tu presencia no será vida

My life without your presence will not be life

y yo no quiero vivirla más sin tu amor

And I don't want to live it anymore without your love

si quieres que yo me muera vuelve a marcharte

If you want me to die, leave again

no olvides que aquel que mata es un criminal

Don't forget that he who kills is a criminal

y tú con abandonarme me das la muerte

And by abandoning me, you give me death

la gente que nos conoce que pensará

What will the people who know us think?

si quieres que yo me muera vuelve a marcharte

If you want me to die, leave again

no olvides que aquel que mata es un criminal

Don't forget that he who kills is a criminal

y tú con abandonarme me das la muerte

And by abandoning me, you give me death

la gente que nos conoce que pensará

What will the people who know us think?

Moderated by Daniel Ramos
La Paz, Bolivia September 12, 2024
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