Tema de Amor

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Dicen que somos dos locos de amor,

They say we're two crazy lovers,

que vivimos de espaldas al mundo real,

living with our backs to the real world,

pretendiendo lograr de la gente un favor,

pretending to seek a favor from people,

que nos dejen querernos en paz.

that they let us love each other in peace.

Tienen envidia de vernos así,

They envy seeing us like this,

abrazados y alegres cruzar la ciudad

embraced and joyful crossing the city,

y quisieran cortar este amor de raíz,

and they would like to cut this love at its root,

que ellos nunca pudieron lograr.

which they could never achieve.

Yo sin tus labios me muero de sed,

Without your lips, I die of thirst,

sin los míos también tú no puedes estar,

without mine, you also cannot be,

nos queremos los dos, que le vamos a hacer,

we both love each other, what are we going to do,

si la vida nos quiso juntar.

if life wanted us to be together.

Tengo mis ojos tan llenos de ti,

My eyes are so full of you,

que en mi cuerpo, cariño, no queda un rincón,

that in my body, darling, there's no corner,

donde no mandes tú, que este amor que te di,

where you don't rule, because this love I gave you,

es el pulso de mi corazón.

is the pulse of my heart.

Solo en tus brazos me siento feliz

Only in your arms do I feel happy,

y me duermo despierto con dulce quietud,

and I fall asleep awake with sweet tranquility,

escuchando a compás sonreír junto a mí,

listening rhythmically to smile next to me,

el aliento de tu juventud.

the breath of your youth.

Dicen que somos dos locos de amor,

They say we're two crazy lovers,

que vivimos de espaldas al mundo real,

living with our backs to the real world,

pretendiendo lograr de la gente un favor,

pretending to seek a favor from people,

que nos dejen querernos en paz.

that they let us love each other in peace.

Moderated by Elena Rodríguez
Buenos Aires, Argentina February 18, 2024
5 Based on 2 ratings