
Homero Manzi
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Vivías en un barrio pintado por la luna,

You lived in a neighborhood painted by the moon,

llevabas en tus oujos cansancio de llorar.

you carried in your eyes weariness from crying.

Te vi, me pareciste más triste que ninguna,

I saw you, you seemed sadder than anyone,

tan pobre como el barrio, tan buena como el pan.

as poor as the neighborhood, as good as bread.

Los muros de tus calles nos vieron de la mano,

The walls of your streets saw us hand in hand,

las noches del otoño supieron nuestro amor.

the autumn nights knew of our love.

Amor sin juramentos, amor de sueños vanos;

Love without oaths, love of vain dreams;

piedad por tu pobreza, piedad por tu dolor.

pity for your poverty, pity for your pain.

El invierno llegó y no volviste

Winter came, and you didn't return

a la esquina lejana de siempre.

to the distant corner as always.

Te esperé, te esperé inútilmente

I waited for you, I waited for you in vain,

y allí mismo tal vez te olvidé.

and maybe there, I forgot you.

No guardé ni el rencor de tu ausencia,

I didn't keep the resentment of your absence,

no aprendí ni siquiera tu nombre,

I didn't even learn your name.

y me fui de la esquina esa noche

I left that corner that night,

sin saber si algún día te amé.

not knowing if I ever loved you.

Tal vez tus ojos grandes se helaron en silencio.

Perhaps your large eyes froze in silence.

Tal vez tuviste miedo de amarme, no lo sé.

Perhaps you were afraid to love me, I don't know.

Después busqué tu jaula de pajarito enfermo,

Then I searched for your cage, little sick bird,

después volví a tus calles y nunca te encontré.

then I returned to your streets and never found you.

Hoy llegas del olvido con tu cabeza rubia;

Today you come from oblivion with your blonde head;

la noche está en silencio, te evoco sin querer.

the night is silent, I involuntarily recall you.

Me asomo a la ventana y envuelto por la lluvia

I lean out the window, enveloped by the rain,

para quedar tranquilo, me miento que te amé.

to be calm, I lie to myself that I loved you.

Moderated by Elena Rodríguez
Buenos Aires, Argentina February 19, 2024
3 Based on 1 rating