La Fe de María

Son By Four
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Que hubiese pasado

What would have happened

Si ella hubiese dicho que no, o ignorado

If she had said no, or ignored

O dilatado, el anuncio de tu ángel de amor

Or delayed, the announcement of your angel of love

En cambio creyó, en tu palabra

Instead, she believed in your word

Y se hizo tu esclava, en un acto perfecto y de fe

And became your servant, in a perfect act of faith

Y hoy, quiero ser como ella

And today, I want to be like her

Y amarte aunque duelan, las espinas y el camino de la cruz

And love you even if the thorns and the path of the cross hurt

Dame la fe señor, la fe de maría

Give me faith, Lord, the faith of Mary

Para decirte sí, un sí sin medidas

To say yes to you, a yes without measure

Dame la fe señor, la fe de maría

Give me faith, Lord, the faith of Mary

Para renunciar a mí y entregarte mi vida

To renounce myself and give you my life

Aunque traspasaron con una espada su corazón

Even though they pierced her heart with a sword

Y su alma lloro, el dolor de tus heridas

And her soul cried, the pain of your wounds

A los pies del madero se quedó

At the foot of the wood, she stayed

Y hoy, ella es nuestra reina y señora

And today, she is our queen and lady

Y tú nos incorporas a tu eterna familia de amor

And you incorporate us into your eternal family of love

Y yo en tu amor quiero permanecer postrado a tus pies

And I want to remain prostrate at your feet in your love

Es lo único que un día llevaré

It is the only thing I will carry one day

Dame la fe señor, la fe de maría

Give me faith, Lord, the faith of Mary

Para decirte sí, un sí sin medidas

To say yes to you, a yes without measure

Dame la fe señor, la fe de maría

Give me faith, Lord, the faith of Mary

Para renunciar a mí y entregarte mi vida

To renounce myself and give you my life

Moderated by Juan Hernandez
San Salvador, El Salvador October 30, 2024
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