
Rocío Jurado
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Para ti guardo escondida

For you, I keep hidden

embrujada de pasión

enchanted with passion

mi canción más encendida

my most fiery song

dentro de mi corazón...

inside my heart...

Al principio fue un secreto

At first, it was a secret

fácilmente de callar

easily kept

mas luego, la hice soneto

but then, I turned it into a sonnet

y al aire la eché a volar

and let it fly into the air

Contigo, de madrugada

With you, at dawn

enamorada y alerta...

in love and alert...

contigo de amor despierta

with you, awakened by love

desnuda y apasionada.

naked and passionate.

Contigo, sin decir nada

With you, without saying anything

callada como una muerta...

silent as the dead...

Contigo, besando incierta

With you, uncertainly kissing

tu boca de llamarada.

your mouth of flames.

Contigo siempre estaría

With you, I would always be

hecha un ramo de alegría

like a bouquet of joy

junto a tu cuerpo de trigo...

next to your wheat-like body...

Contigo, de noche y día

With you, night and day

contigo, a la vera mía

with you, by my side

contigo, siempre contigo.

with you, always with you.

Moderated by Isabel Ruiz
Quito, Ecuador September 10, 2024
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