Una Gitana Hermosa
River PlateLyrics
Me lo dijo una gitana
A gypsy told me
Me lo dijo con fervor
She told me fervently
O largás la marihuana
Either you quit marijuana
O te vas para el cajón
Or you're headed for the box (coffin)
Me lo dijo una gitana
A gypsy told me
Yo no le quise creer
I didn't want to believe her
Yo le sigo dando al vino
I keep on with the wine
A los falsos y al papel
With the fakes and with the paper
Una gitana hermosa tiró las cartas
A beautiful gypsy threw the cards
Dijo que el Millonario sale campeón
Said the Millionaire (River Plate) becomes champion
Ya lo corrimos a Boca y no pasó nada
We already chased Boca and nothing happened
Hoy lo corremos al Racing, que es un cagón
Today we chase Racing, who's a coward
Moderated by
María Pérez
Mexico City, Mexico
November 8, 2024
Si Te Vas Te Vas
Que Lastima
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