Carta Jugada
Relampagos Del NorteLyrics
Hoy no, maldigo tú suerte, hoy no, maldigo tú amor
Today, no, I curse your luck, today, I curse your love
Solo maldigo a tu vida, porque, me sobra valor
I only curse your life because, I have more than enough courage
Para sacarme una espina, que me ha, clavado tú amor
To remove a thorn that your love has, stuck into me
Seguir contigo es inútil, tú no, me supiste amar
Continuing with you is useless, you didn't know how to love me
Me voy por otros senderos, a ver, si puedo encontrar
I'm going on different paths, to see if I can find
Los brazos de otras mujeres, para, poderte olvidar
The arms of other women, to be able to forget you
Te di, mi amor y mi vida, sin que, pudiera pensar
I gave you my love and my life, without even thinking
Que fueras carta jugada, que no, se debe apostar
That you were a played card, that one should not gamble
Por eso, cuando ganaste, te fuiste sin regresar
That's why, when you won, you left without returning
Por eso, ya que te marches, no pienses, en regresar
That's why, since you're leaving, don't think about coming back
Ya no, te sigo adorando, ya me, canse de llorar
No longer, do I continue adoring you, I'm tired of crying
Voy a tirarme a los vicios, para poderte olvidar
I'm going to indulge in vices, to be able to forget you
Te di, mi amor y mi vida, sin que, pudiera pensar
I gave you my love and my life, without even thinking
Que fueras carta jugada, que no, se debe apostar
That you were a played card, that one should not gamble
Por eso, cuando ganaste, te fuiste sin regresar
That's why, when you won, you left without returning