El Seis

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Busco un amor para mí

I look for a love for myself

Que cumpla siete requisitos

That meets seven requirements

Que los siete días de la semana

That the seven days of the week

Me llene de besitos

Fill me with little kisses

Que a las siete maravillas del mundo

That to the seven wonders of the world

Podamos viajar juntitos

We can travel together

Y para prolongar nuestra existencia

And to prolong our existence

Que tengamos siete enanitos

That we have seven dwarfs

Que nunca tire la toalla

That never throws in the towel

Siete, siete, siete, siete, siete, siete, si he tenido fallas

Seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, if I've had failures

Que vuele junto a mí

That flies with me

Por las siete notas musicales

Through the seven musical notes

Y que sepa perdonar

And knows how to forgive

Mis siete pecados capitales

My seven deadly sins

Y que cuando estemos viejitos

And when we're old

Si nuestro amor se compenetra

If our love is mutual

Nos digamos la palabra 'Gracias'

We say the word 'Thanks'

Que tiene siete letras

Which has seven letters

Cruzaré los siete mares

I will cross the seven seas

Al final de la tormenta sale

At the end of the storm, the rainbow appears

El arco iris de siete colores

The rainbow of seven colors

Y ahí encontraré al amor de mis amores

And there I will find the love of my loves

Y ya juntos, no le temeremos a la muerte

And together, we won't fear death

Ni al espejo roto con sus siete años de mala suerte

Not the broken mirror with its seven years of bad luck

Juntos seremos fuertes

Together, we will be strong

Setenta veces

Seventy times

(Siete) Ni las siete plagas

(Seven) Not the seven plagues

(Siete) Ni las siete vacas flacas

(Seven) Not the seven skinny cows

(Siete) Frenarán ese amor

(Seven) Will stop that love

(Siete) Ese bendito amor

(Seven) That blessed love

Que nunca tire la toalla

That never throws in the towel

Siete, siete, siete, siete, siete, siete, si he tenido fallas

Seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, if I've had failures

Moderated by Daniel Ramos
La Paz, Bolivia March 2, 2025
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