
Ivan Zapata
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A la luz de un fuego extraño se confundía mi alma

In the light of a strange fire, my soul was confused

Yo sentía el reflejo de tus ojos que buscaban mi mirada

I felt the reflection of your eyes searching for my gaze

Y pensar que te había dicho que contigo yo iría Hasta la muerte

And to think that I had told you that with you I would go until death

Se han levantado contra mi

They have risen against me

Y ni siquiera he podido nombrarte

And I haven't even been able to name you

Amargamente he llorando por negar tu nombre

Bitterly, I have cried for denying your name

Siento que tu mi señor me estabas mirando

I feel that you, my Lord, were looking at me

Amargamente he llorando por negar tu nombre

Bitterly, I have cried for denying your name

Siento que tu mi señor me estabas mirando

I feel that you, my Lord, were looking at me

Y el gallo cantó y el amanecer, tu palabra selló

And the rooster crowed, and dawn sealed your word

Antes del beso traidor y del huerto de dolor tú me hablaste

Before the traitorous kiss and the garden of pain, you spoke to me

Que han pedido por mí y que tu ante el Padre rogaste

They have prayed for me, and you pleaded before the Father

Que no me falte la fe que tu rostro otra vez yo veía

May I not lose faith, that your face I would see again

Y aunque he sido infiel tú perdón yo he sentido en mi vida

And although I've been unfaithful, I've felt your forgiveness in my life

A dónde vas tu Maestro sin yo no sabría

Where are you going, Master, without me, I wouldn't know

Toda mi vida Señor por ti yo pondría

All my life, Lord, for you, I would give

Si es necesario Señor por ti moriría

If necessary, Lord, for you, I would die

Tú noble causa mi Dios yo defendería, pero el gallo canto

Your noble cause, my God, I would defend, but the rooster crowed

Y mi corazón se quebró

And my heart broke

Qué triste es verte Señor sentir el látigo atroz debería ser yo

How sad it is to see you, Lord, to feel the cruel whip, it should be me

Dulce Maestro de amor Jesús el Mesías en una cruz mi Señor

Sweet Master of love, Jesus the Messiah, on a cross, my Lord

El perdón me darías un sacrificio de amor mi alma salvaría

You would give me forgiveness, a sacrifice of love would save my soul

Y nuevamente tú voz solo yo escucharía diciendo sígueme a mi diciendo sígueme a mí

And again, only your voice I would hear, saying follow me, saying follow me

Tan solo sígueme a mí

Just follow me

Moderated by Ana Martínez
Santiago, Chile March 2, 2025
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