Manual Para Héroes o Canallas

Joaquín Sabina
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Aprender a reirse torvamente

Learn to laugh sardonically

A mirar de reojo en los bautizos

To glance sideways at baptisms

A negar el asiento a las señoras

To deny a seat to ladies

A orinar dibujando cirulitos

To urinate drawing little circles

Aprender a fruncir el entrecejo

Learn to furrow the brow

A enfadar a las monjas y a los niños

To anger nuns and children

A poner zancadillas al guardia urbano

To trip up the traffic cop

A escupir sin piedad por un colmillo

To spit mercilessly for a fang

Preferir la navaja a la pistola

Prefer the knife to the gun

Al vino peleon al jerez fino

To peck at brawling wine, to fine sherry

En infame pañuelo a la corbata

In a disgraceful handkerchief instead of a tie

Una venus de Murcia a la de Milo

A Venus from Murcia instead of Milo's

Aprender a cortarse la cabeza

Learn to cut off your head

A vestir negro luto de domingos

To wear black mourning on Sundays

A decir palabrotas en los trenes

To say swear words on trains

A jugar al parchis con los bandidos

To play Parcheesi with bandits

Apurar los licores del fracaso

Drink up the liquors of failure

Trasladarse a vivir al barrio chino

To move to live in Chinatown

Propagar mil rumores alarmantes

Spread a thousand alarming rumors

Aprender a ser malo y fugitivo

Learn to be bad and a fugitive

Moderated by Elena Rodríguez
Buenos Aires, Argentina March 2, 2025
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