Esas Cosas Del Amor
Prisma (México)Lyrics
Tú me posees cual si fuera yo un jardín
You possess me as if I were a garden
Un jardín de flores
A garden of flowers
Y me visitas cuando quieres tú cortar
And you visit me whenever you want to cut
Esa flor de amores
That flower of loves
Tú me posees cual si fuera un manantial
You possess me as if I were a spring
Un manantial de besos
A spring of kisses
Que te lo sirves a tu antojo cuando estás
Which you serve at your whim when you are
De mi amor sediento
Thirsty for my love
Has de saber que yo también
You must know that I too
Tengo noches de soledad
Have nights of loneliness
Y que de tu amor me quisiera alimentar
And I would like to nourish myself from your love
Has de saber que yo también tengo noches de inquietud
You must know that I too have nights of restlessness
Pero he de esperar a que quieras tú
But I must wait for when you want
Por eso, esas cosas del amor
That's why, those things of love
Yo he venido a pedirte hasta aquí
I have come to ask you up to here
Esas cosas del amor, yo las quiero tener hoy de ti
Those things of love, I want them from you today
Pon tu mano en mi mano, tu boca en mi boca
Put your hand in mine, your mouth on mine
Empecemos el juego, que esta vez a mí me toca
Let's start the game, this time it's my turn
Tú me posees cual si fuera yo un jardín
You possess me as if I were a garden
Un jardín de flores
A garden of flowers
Y me visitas cuando quieres tú cortar
And you visit me whenever you want to cut
Esa flor de amores
That flower of loves
Tú me posees cual si fuera un manantial
You possess me as if I were a spring
Un manantial de besos
A spring of kisses
Que te lo sirves a tu antojo cuando estás
Which you serve at your whim when you are
De mi amor sediento
Thirsty for my love
Has de saber que yo también
You must know that I too
Tengo noches de soledad
Have nights of loneliness
Y que de tu amor me quisiera alimentar
And I would like to nourish myself from your love
Has de saber que yo también tengo noches de inquietud
You must know that I too have nights of restlessness
Pero he de esperar a que quieras tú
But I must wait for when you want
Por eso, esas cosas del amor
That's why, those things of love
Yo he venido a pedirte hasta aquí
I have come to ask you up to here
Esas cosas del amor, yo las quiero tener hoy de ti
Those things of love, I want them from you today
Pon tu mano en mi mano, tu boca en mi boca
Put your hand in mine, your mouth on mine
Empecemos el juego, que esta vez a mí me toca
Let's start the game, this time it's my turn