Como Brillaba Tu Alma
vos compraste tu educación
You bought your education
te dejaste rascar el lomo
You let yourself scratch your back
un día decís me las tomo, y no mostraste nada
One day you say, "I'm out of here," and you showed nothing
ahora alquilás el amor
Now you rent love
te excitaban otras cosas
Other things excited you
ibas a cambiar el mundo, y no cambiaste nada
You were going to change the world, and you changed nothing
hay que remar igual en subida que en la bajada
You have to paddle the same uphill as downhill
lo mismo es errarle a la salida que a la llegada
Mistakes in the exit are the same as in the arrival
cuando todo estaba oscuro
When everything was dark
ay como brillaba tu alma
Oh, how your soul shone
hoy se apagaron tus luces, ya no te brilla nada
Today, your lights have gone out; nothing shines anymore
me convencías de todo
You convinced me of everything
me transmitías confianza
You conveyed trust to me
de todo eso que era tuyo, ya no te queda nada
Of all that was yours, nothing remains
ya no sobran como antes las ganas de abrazarte
The desire to hug you is no longer abundant as before
ya no sobran como antes las ganas de mirarte
The desire to look at you is no longer abundant as before
ni de abrazarte, ni de mirarte
Neither to hug you nor to look at you
y no mostraste nada
And you showed nothing
y no cambiaste nada
And you changed nothing
ya no te brilla nada
Nothing shines in you anymore
ya no te queda nada
Nothing remains in you anymore