O Discordia
José MaderoLyrics
Quise vender mi alma
I wanted to sell my soul
A nadie le interesó
No one was interested
Tal vez no vale lo que pido
Maybe it's not worth what I ask
Tal vez no es bueno lo ofrecido
Maybe what's offered is not good
Oh no es para tanto
Oh, it's not that much
Oh no es inusual
Oh, it's not unusual
Oh se tarda años
Oh, it takes years
Esta herido el sanar
Healing is hurt
Si no morirá al final
If not, it will die in the end
Quise subastar mi cuerpo
I wanted to auction my body
Nadie grito "yo voy"
No one shouted, "I'll go"
Yo se, no es un producto nuevo
I know, it's not a new product
Yo sé que se ha caído al suelo
I know it has fallen to the ground
Oh no es para tanto
Oh, it's not that much
Oh manda señal
Oh, send a signal
Oh que me quebranto
Oh, it breaks me
Más lo voy a arreglar, lo voy a arreglar
But I'll fix it, I'll fix it
Yo trate
I tried
Trate de darte lo que estaba en mi poder
Tried to give you what was in my power
Te puse todo mi universo a tus pies
I put my whole universe at your feet
Trate de enderezar lo que estaba al revés
Tried to straighten what was upside down
Trate de hacer que un año pareciera un mes
Tried to make a year seem like a month
Trate de escalarte
Tried to climb
Se rompió el arnés
The harness broke
Trate de hacerlo largo
Tried to make it long
Pero fue después
But it was afterward
Compre el azul
Bought the blue
Pero tu lo querías café
But you wanted it brown
Quise vender mi alma y no hubo interés
I wanted to sell my soul, and there was no interest