Cabras (gansters)

Cartel de Santa
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Uuuyy no se vayan con la finta

Uuuyy, don't be fooled

El malandro de malandros robando la tonada en la pista pa que no insista

The thug of thugs stealing the beat on the track so he won't insist

Bailan como gansters si no le han jalado

They dance like gangsters if they haven't pulled it off

Bailan como gansters si nunca han robado

They dance like gangsters if they've never stolen

Bailan como gansters si nunca han bateado

They dance like gangsters if they've never hit

Bailan como gansters si son puro pedo

They dance like gangsters if they're just full of crap

He pomel como ves este wey dice ke es la ley de monterrey

Hey, pomel, what do you think? This guy says he's the law of Monterrey

Pedazo de mamey mas bien pareces gay tu no espantas ni al

Piece of mamey, you look more like a gay, you don't scare anyone

Pendejo te dejo muy lejos sigue viendote al espejo

Fool, I leave you far away, keep looking at yourself in the mirror

A ver si mega mas te da mas intelegencia que por mas que le

Let's see if Mega gives you more intelligence than no matter how much I look for

Busco no te encuentro la potencia donde estan los hits de los que

I can't find the power, where are the hits of those your songs talk about?

Hablan tus canciones pelados malmamados acaban de maricones

Bald, stupid, they end up as pussies

Criticas a los morros por usar fruti looks pa que te haces pendejo

You criticize the kids for using fruity looks, why do you act dumb?

Si es lo mismo que usas tu o ya se te olvido que tambien fui ala

If it's the same thing you use, or did you forget that I also went to

Posinga casi cover ilegales pa arrimarles una chinga

Pose almost illegal covers to give them a beating


(chorus x2)

Dicen que es un gansters si no le han jalado

They say he's a gangster if he hasn't pulled it off

Dicen que es un gansters si nunca han robado

They say he's a gangster if they've never stolen

Dicen que es un gansters si nunca han bateado

They say he's a gangster if they've never hit

Dicen que es un gansters si son puro pedo

They say he's a gangster if they're just full of crap

Hasta pa el rebañe sueno con calidad

Even for the rabble, I dream with quality

Hasta pa el rebañe lo vendo en la ciudad

Even for the rabble, I sell it in the city

Hasta pa el rebañe me gano mis billetes pinche bola de ojetes pa

Even for the rabble, I earn my bills, damn bunch of assholes so

Que vean quien es el jefe si se lo atraco al fifthy se lo atraco al que

They see who's the boss if I rob it from the Fifthy, if I rob it from whoever

Sea toda la mision es venderlo en las aceras para atracos no

The whole mission is to sell it on the sidewalks, for robberies we don't

Paramos yo le pirateo a cualkiera me lo bajo de internet y le pongo

Stop, I pirate anything, I download it from the internet and I put

Mis loqueras, basta con unas buenas rimas pa venderlo en las

My craziness, just some good rhymes to sell it on the

Esquinas pa que me compra pirata si la cosa esta jodida total es

Corners so who buys me pirate if things are fucked up anyway it's

Pa el rebañe y pa darle en su madre al migas ahora si ahogate en

For the rabble and to give it to the crumbs in their mother, now drown in

Tu mierda perra malaagrecida

Your shit, bad ungrateful bitch


(chorus x2)

Mira wey convicto y con flow robado pa bajarme a tu nivel yo se

Look, convict guy with stolen flow to lower myself to your level, I know

Bien que te va a arder pero que le vas a hacer si te faltan las

Well that it will burn you but what are you going to do if you lack the

Pelotas dices que eres padrote y no tienes ninguna puta eso de

Balls, you say you're a pimp and you don't have a single bitch that's

Divertido lo traes desde los 90's ya casi es 2007 y sigues

Fun, you've been carrying it since the 90s, it's almost 2007 and you still

Robandote ideas al chile no capeas que la cosa es de adeveras pa

Stealing ideas for real, you don't get it, the thing is serious for

Que me hablas y me pides que inventemos una guerra, la guerra ya

What are you talking about and asking me to start a war, the war already

La tienes y la tiro a lo bandido pa que la gente sepa que no es por

You have it and I throw it like a bandit so that people know it's not for

El efectivo es porque he decidido estoy a desenmascararte y dile a

The cash, it's because I've decided to unmask you and tell

Tu diskera que no hay control pa el cartel

Your record label that there's no control for the cartel


(chorus x2)

Moderated by Sofia Diaz
Guatemala City, Guatemala September 29, 2024
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