Tómame o déjame
Amanda MiguelLyrics
Tómame o déjame,
Take me or leave me,
pero no me pidas
but don't ask me
que te crea mas
to believe you more
cuando llegas tarde a
when you arrive late at
casa no tienes
home, you have
porque inventar,
no reason to invent,
pues tu ropa huele a
because your clothes smell like
leña de otro hogar.
another hearth's wood.
Tómame o déjame,
Take me or leave me,
si no estoy despierta
if I'm not awake
Déjame soñar
Let me dream
no me beses en la frente,
don't kiss me on the forehead,
sabes que te oí llegar
you know I heard you arrive,
y tu beso abre a culpabilidad.
and your kiss reveals guilt.
tu me admiras porque
you admire me because
callo y miro al cielo,
I'm silent and look at the sky,
porque no me vez llorar,
because you don't see me cry,
y te sientes cada
and you feel smaller
día mas pequeño
every day,
y esquivas tu mirada
avoiding your gaze
en un lugar.
in a certain place.
Tómame o déjame,
Take me or leave me,
ni te espío ni te quita libertad,
I don't spy on you or take away your freedom,
pero si dejas el lecho,
but if you leave the bed,
si me vas a abandonar hazlo
if you're going to abandon me, do it
antes de que empiece a clarear.
before it starts to dawn.
Tu me admiras porque
You admire me because
callo y miro al cielo,
I'm silent and look at the sky,
porque no me vez llorar,
because you don't see me cry,
y te sientes cada
and you feel smaller
día me pequeño y esquivas
every day, and you avoid
tu mirada en un lugar.
your gaze in a certain place.
Tómame o déjame,
Take me or leave me,
y si vuelves trae contigo
and if you come back, bring with you
la verdad, trae viva la mirada,
the truth, bring a lively gaze,
trae contigo mi rival si es
bring with you my rival if
mejor que yo podré
they're better than me, I'll
entonces llorar.
then be able to cry.