La Carroza Negra
Beto QuintanillaLyrics
Va llegando una carroza aununciando muerte viene
Here comes a hearse announcing death is coming
En las puertas de una carcel muy despacio se detiene
At the doors of a prison, it slows down
Mandaron traer un reo pero el no sabe que quieren
They sent for a prisoner, but he doesn't know what they want
El preso llego en silencio al saber se quedo mudo
The prisoner arrived in silence; upon knowing, he became mute
Cuando vio el rostro marchito una lagrima detubo
When he saw the withered face, a tear stopped
Amorcito de mi vida a qui se me acaba el mundo
My love of my life, here my world ends
Era la mujer del preso que murio en el hospital
It was the prisoner's wife who died in the hospital
Ya para morir les dijo como ultima voluntad
Before dying, she told them as her last wish
Quiero antes de que me entierren ir mi esposo a visitar
I want to visit my husband before they bury me
Comemtan los celadores con respecto de la dama
The guards comment regarding the lady
Que siempre fue la primera que ala visita llegaba
She was always the first to arrive at the visit
Queria mucho a su marido madrugar no le importaba
She loved her husband a lot, early mornings didn't bother her
Entregan las pertenencias que su esposa habia dejado
They deliver the belongings that his wife had left
Eran unas cuantas cosas y un retrato maltratado
There were a few things and a battered portrait
En el estaban los dos muy felices abrazados
In it, they were both very happy, embraced
Unas letras mal escritas que apenas se podian ver
Poorly written letters that could barely be seen
Ya me voy esposo mio ya no te volvere a ver
I'm leaving, my husband; I won't see you again
Cuando salgas de la carcel prometeme no volver
When you get out of prison, promise me not to return
Yo no se por que delito estaria el hombre encerrado
I don't know for what crime the man would be imprisoned
Pero pienso que es muy duro para culquiera este trago en una carroza negra fue su esposa a visitarlo
But I think it's very tough for anyone; in a black hearse, his wife came to visit him
La carroza ya se aleja dejo dolor y tristeza
The hearse is already moving away, leaving pain and sadness
Un hombre muy pensativo a la celda se regresa
A thoughtful man returns to the cell
Y agradece a su mujer que le dio la ultima vuelta.
And thanks his wife who gave him the final turn