Te Vi Venir

Teenangels (Casi Ángeles)
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Hay cosas que te escribo en cartas para no decirlas

There are things I write in letters to avoid saying them

hay cosas que escribo en canciones para repetirlas

There are things I write in songs to repeat them

hay cosas que estan en mi alma y quedaran contigo cuando me haya ido

There are things in my soul that will remain with you when I'm gone

y en todas acabo diciendo cuanto te he querido.

And in all of them, I end up saying how much I've loved you

porque te vi venir y no dude

Because I saw you coming, and I didn't doubt

te vi llegar y te abraze

I saw you arrive, and I hugged you

y puse toda mi pasion para que te quedaras

And I put all my passion into making you stay

y luego te bese y me arriesgue con la verdad

And then I kissed you and took the risk with the truth

te acaricie

I caressed you

y al fin abri mi corazon para que tu pasaras

And finally, I opened my heart for you to pass through

mi amor te di sin condicion para que te quedaras

My love, I gave you without condition for you to stay

hace falta que te diga que me muero por tener algo contigo

Do I need to tell you that I'm dying to have something with you?

es que no te has dado cuenta de lo mucho que me cuesta ser tu amigo

It's just that you haven't noticed how much it costs me to be your friend

ya no puedo acercarme a tu boca

I can no longer approach your mouth

sin deseartela de una manera loca

Without desiring it in a crazy way

necesito controlar tu vida,

I need to control your life,

saber quien te besa y quien te abriga

To know who kisses you and who warms you

ya me quedan muy pocos caminos

I have very few paths left

y aunque pueda parecerte un desatino

And although it may seem like folly

no quisiera yo morirme sin tener algo contigo

I wouldn't want to die without having something with you

cuenta conmigo por si tuvieras que encontrar algun motivo

Count on me in case you need to find a reason

si necesitas algo mas que conformarte

If you need something more than settling

si se te ocurre por ejemplo enamorarte aqui me tienes

If you happen, for example, to fall in love, here I am

siempre dispuesto a ver el mundo como tu ni lo imaginas

Always ready to see the world as you can't imagine

y si me quieres ver feliz y no te animas

And if you want to see me happy and don't dare

cierra los ojos al aroma de una rosa

Close your eyes to the aroma of a rose

mientras mi alma te cuenta cosas

While my soul tells you things

cosas que nunca te dijeron hasta ahora

Things that were never told to you until now

voy a apagar la luz para pensar en ti

I'm going to turn off the light to think about you

Moderated by María Pérez
Mexico City, Mexico May 24, 2024
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