Creo En Dios

Steve Green
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Como puedes no creer en Dios

How can you not believe in God

Como intentas ignorar su voz

How do you try to ignore His voice

Él ha dado muestra de sus grandes maravillas

He has shown proof of His great wonders

Puedes ver, su poder

You can see, His power

Él eclipsa el Sol hasta opacar

He eclipses the Sun until it fades

La más densa noche hace brillar

The densest night He makes shine

Todo lo transforma en su designio soberano

He transforms everything according to His sovereign design

Porque es Dios, solo Él es Dios

Because He is God, only He is God

Creo en Dios, su voz levanta el viento y mar en tempestad

I believe in God, His voice raises the wind and sea in tempest

Y por su mano alzada pronto callará

And by His raised hand, it will soon quiet

Aun cuando todo esté perdido yo

Even when everything is lost, I

Creo en Dios, porque Él es mi esperanza en medio del dolor

Believe in God, because He is my hope in the midst of pain

Confiado cantaré su grande salvación

Confidently I will sing of His great salvation

Porque vivo y creo en Dios

Because I live and believe in God

Dios al mundo envuelve con su amor

God enfolds the world with His love

Su justicia y tierna compasión

His justice and tender compassion

Más su gracia alcanza todo aquel que arrepentido

Yet His grace reaches all those who, repentant

Clama a Él, solo a Él

Cry out to Him, only to Him

Y aunque no lo puedas vislumbrar

And even if you cannot glimpse it

Dios es siempre fiel hasta el final

God is always faithful until the end

Porque ha prometido caminar a nuestro lado

Because He has promised to walk by our side

Cerca está, porque Él es Dios

He is close, because He is God

Moderated by Isabella Lopez
Tegucigalpa, Honduras February 25, 2025
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