Nada que perder
1ºB de un bloque 3, rojizo,
1st B of a block 3, reddish,
Hay sirenas que no saben nadar.
There are sirens that can't swim.
En san antonio siempre estás, vencido.
In San Antonio, you're always defeated.
La gente sueña con escapar de aquí.
People dream of escaping from here.
Pero no se está tan mal,
But it's not so bad,
Este gris no es el final
This gray is not the end
Nada que perder,
Nothing to lose,
Mírame reír,
Look at me laugh,
Volveremos a salir.
We will go out again.
En un billar hablas de un chalet,
In a billiard, you talk about a chalet,
De tantas cosas, que no vas a tener.
So many things that you won't have.
Estás aquí otro mes de abril, tirando
You're here another April, throwing
Piedras negras a un cielo azul añil.
Black stones at a blue indigo sky.
Pero no se está tan mal,
But it's not so bad,
Este gris no es el final
This gray is not the end
Nada que perder,
Nothing to lose,
Mírame reír,
Look at me laugh,
Volveremos a salir.
We will go out again.
Espósame a una pared del barrio,
Chain me to a wall in the neighborhood,
He pensado que yo me quedo aquí.
I've thought that I'll stay here.
Sofás de ská y en cualquier bar, buscando
Sofas of ska and in any bar, searching
30 Metros, con vistas a un solar.
30 meters, overlooking an empty lot.
Pero no se está tan mal,
But it's not so bad,
Este gris no es el final.
This gray is not the end.
Nada que perder,
Nothing to lose,
Mírame reír,
Look at me laugh,
Volveremos a salir.
We will go out again.