Galandum GalundainaLyrics
Adius raia pertuesa
Goodbye, rugged border
Recuordos lhiebo de ti
I carry memories of you
You quijo ua burgalesa
He wanted a girl from Burgos
I eilha nun me quije a mi
And she didn't want me
You quijo ua burgalesa
He wanted a girl from Burgos
I eilha nun me quije a mi
And she didn't want me
Eilha nun me quije a mi
She didn't want me
I cun outro se casou
And she married another
Agora anda preguntando
Now she's asking
Las bidas que traigo you
About the lives I lead
I agora anda preguntando
And now she's asking
Las bidas que traigo you
About the lives I lead
Eilha nun me quije a mi
She didn't want me
I cun outro se casou
And she married another
Agora anda preguntando
Now she's asking
Las bidas que traigo you
About the lives I lead
Agora anda preguntando
Now she's asking
Las bidas que traigo you
About the lives I lead
Las bidas que traigo you
About the lives I lead
Nun te las puodo dezir
I can't tell you
You quijo ua burgalesa
He wanted a girl from Burgos
I eilha nun me quije a mi
And she didn't want me
You quijo ua burgalesa
He wanted a girl from Burgos
I eilha nun me quije a mi
And she didn't want me
Las bidas que traigo you
About the lives I lead
Nun te las puodo dezir
I can't tell you
You quijo ua burgalesa
He wanted a girl from Burgos
I eilha nun me quije a mi
And she didn't want me
You quijo ua burgalesa
He wanted a girl from Burgos
I eilha nun me quije a mi
And she didn't want me
Se me quieres screbir
If you want to write to me
Yá sabes miu paradeiro
You already know my whereabouts
L molino de la raia
The mill on the border
Zé Abilho Molineiro
Zé Abilho Molineiro
L molino de la raia
The mill on the border
Zé Abilho Molineiro
Zé Abilho Molineiro