Nacimos Para Amar, No Para Odiar

Sergio Umbria
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Nacimos para amar, no para odiar, es el segundo

We were born to love, not to hate; it's the second

Mandamiento que dejo Dios, pero lamentablemente

Commandment that God left, but unfortunately

A la gente le es más fácil odiar que amar, muchos

For people, it's easier to hate than to love; many

Creen que el amar es cosa de débiles, y por eso no aman

Believe that loving is for the weak, and that's why they don't love

Sé que existen personas que nos hacen cosas difíciles

I know there are people who do difficult things to us

De soportar, pero a ellos ay que amarlos también, recuerda

To endure, but we must love them too; remember

A Jesús que aun estando en la cruz, siendo crucificado

Jesus, who even on the cross, being crucified

Solo dijo, señor perdónalos que no saben lo que hacen

Only said, "Lord, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing"

Hermosa frase y sabias palabras no saben lo que hacen

Beautiful phrase and wise words, they do not know what they do

De verdad a veces existen personas que hacen cosas contra

Truly, sometimes there are people who do things against

Nosotros que no se imaginan lo que hacen, sin embargo

Us that they can't imagine what they're doing, however

Se arrepienten y piden perdón, hay que perdonarlos

They repent and ask for forgiveness; we must forgive them

Nacimos para amar, no para odiar, es el segundo

We were born to love, not to hate; it's the second

Mandamiento que dejo Dios, pero lamentablemente

Commandment that God left, but unfortunately

A la gente le es más fácil odiar que amar, muchos

For people, it's easier to hate than to love; many

Creen que el amar es cosa de débiles, y por eso no aman

Believe that loving is for the weak, and that's why they don't love

No importa cuán fuerte es lo que te hicieron solo ama

No matter how strong what they did to you is, just love

No odies, el odio solo destruye a la persona que lo siente

Do not hate; hatred only destroys the person who feels it

Recuerden que no somos Dios, que él es el único que esta

Remember that we are not God; He is the only one who is

En la capacidad de hacerlo, porque siempre nos perdona

Capable of doing it because He always forgives us

Nacimos para amar, no para odiar, es el segundo

We were born to love, not to hate; it's the second

Mandamiento que dejo Dios, pero lamentablemente

Commandment that God left, but unfortunately

A la gente le es más fácil odiar que amar, muchos

For people, it's easier to hate than to love; many

Creen que el amar es cosa de débiles, y por eso no aman

Believe that loving is for the weak, and that's why they don't love

Moderated by Juan Hernandez
San Salvador, El Salvador June 29, 2024
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