Vamos, Mujer! (cantata a Santa Maria de Iquique)

Ruy Maurity
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Vamos mujer, partamos a la ciudad.

Let's go, woman, let's head to the city.

Todo será distinto, no hay que dudar.

Everything will be different, don't doubt it.

No hay que dudar, confía, ya vas a ver,

Don't doubt it, trust, you'll see,

Porque en Iquique todos van a entender.

Because in Iquique, everyone will understand.

Toma mujer mi manta, te abrigará.

Take my shawl, woman, it will keep you warm.

Ponte al niñito en brazos, no llorará.

Hold the little one in your arms, he won't cry.

No llorará, confía, va a sonreír.

He won't cry, trust, he'll smile.

Le cantarás un canto, se va a dormir.

You'll sing him a song, and he'll fall asleep.

¿Qué es lo que pasa?, dime, no calles más.

What's happening? Tell me, don't be silent anymore.

Largo camiño tienes que recorrer

You have a long journey to travel,

Atravesando cerros, vamos mujer.

Crossing hills, let's go, woman.

Vamos mujer, confía, que hay que llegar

Let's go, woman, trust, we must arrive

En la ciudad podremos ver todo el mar.

In the city, we'll be able to see the entire sea.

Dicen que Iquique es grande como un salar,

They say Iquique is as big as a salt flat,

Que hay muchas casas lindas, te gustarán.

That there are many beautiful houses, you'll like them.

Te gustarán, confía, como que a diós,

You'll like them, trust, like saying goodbye,

Allá en el puerto todo va a ser mejor.

There in the port, everything will be better.

¿Qué es lo que pasa?, dime, no calles más.

What's happening? Tell me, don't be silent anymore.

Moderated by Diego Martín
Caracas, Venezuela June 21, 2024
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