Si Tu Supieras

Rodrigo Bueno
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Que ha pasado? Tú, el amigo de siempre, se va de mi lado, solo quisiera saber si yo mal te he pagado.

What has happened? You, the forever friend, leave my side. I just want to know if I have wronged you.

Que ha pasado? Tienes todo lo que quieres, presente y pasado, y tienes a la mujer que yo quiero a mi lado.

What has happened? You have everything you want, present and past, and you have the woman I want by my side.

Pero la dejas, y ella me cuenta siempre a mi todas sus penas. Que ya no puede soportar, esa condena, y yo la quisiera besar, pero es ajena.

But you leave her, and she always tells me all her sorrows. She can no longer bear that sentence, and I would like to kiss her, but she is someone else's.

Y tu me cuentas, que cuando le haces el amor, en otra piensas, y yo te tengo que escuchar, maldita sea. Tú eres mi amigo más leal, y ella es mi reina.

And you tell me that when you make love to her, you think of another, and I have to listen, damn it. You are my most loyal friend, and she is my queen.

Que ha pasado? Tú, el amigo de siempre me trata como un esclavo. Solo quisiera saber si yo mal te he pagado.

What has happened? You, the forever friend, treat me like a slave. I just want to know if I have wronged you.

Que ha pasado? Tienes todo lo que quieres, presente y pasado, y tienes a la mujer que yo quiero a mi lado.

What has happened? You have everything you want, present and past, and you have the woman I want by my side.

Si tu supieras, que si el se marcha y loco estoy, yo quisiera tenerla. Por qué callar a mi corazon, por que ponerle barreras, y condenarlo a morir, morir de pena.

If you knew that if he leaves and I am crazy, I would like to have her. Why silence my heart, why put barriers on it, and condemn it to die, die of sorrow.

Si tu supieras, mi piel se eriza cuando yo me acuerdo de ella, se me acelera el corazon, si el telefono suena. Y me tortura a mi saber que le pegaste de vuelta.

If you knew, my skin tingles when I remember her, my heart speeds up when the phone rings. And it tortures me to know that you hurt her back.

Si tu supieras. Si tu supieras. Tu te mueres por dejarla, y yo me muero por tenerla.

If you knew. If you knew. You are dying to leave her, and I am dying to have her.

Si tu supieras. Si tu supieras. Tu eres mi amigo mas fiel, y ella es mi reina.

If you knew. If you knew. You are my most loyal friend, and she is my queen.

Moderated by María Pérez
Mexico City, Mexico March 4, 2025
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