
Ricardo Arjona
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El ruido de un tren me despierta

The noise of a train wakes me up

fueron dos horas y media las que dormi

It was two and a half hours that I slept

y me desayuno un cigarro

And I have a cigarette for breakfast

y el espejo me dice estas mas flaco que nunca

And the mirror tells me you're thinner than ever

mi cuarto es un caos de objetos

My room is a chaos of objects

nada en su lugar

Nothing in its place

Hace un mes me cortaron el telefono

A month ago, they cut off my phone

y esta tele en blanco y negro

And this black and white TV

no quiere funcionar

Doesn't want to work

y tu foto ruiseña a un costado

And your photo from Ruis, on the side

aunque parezca cursi

Although it may seem cheesy

me provoca una lagrima

It provokes a tear

y el perro que era mi unico amigo

And the dog that was my only friend

se busco otro amo

Found another owner

Y sigo aqui

And I'm still here

tan solo como un rubio en Harlem

Just like a blonde in Harlem

Y soy libre y no me sirve

And I am free, and it doesn't serve me

para que quiere la libertad en la luna un tigre

What does freedom serve on the moon to a tiger

no me sirve

It doesn't serve me

he compartido mi cama cien veces y quiero irme

I have shared my bed a hundred times, and I want to leave

que me pasa

What's happening to me

a donde vivo desde que no estas ya no le llamo casa

Where I live, since you're not here, I don't call it home anymore

Cae la noche y todo es silencio

Night falls, and everything is silent

queda sin nadie la calle treinta y tres

The street thirty-three is left without anyone

y esta noche hay que encender una vela

And tonight, we have to light a candle

por no pagar me cortaron la luz

For not paying, they cut off the light

y para colmo la señora me avisa

And to top it off, the lady tells me

mi alquiler esta en mora

My rent is overdue

Y sigo aqui

And I'm still here

tan solo como un hipie en Siberia

Just like a hippie in Siberia

Moderated by Lucia Flores
Tegucigalpa, Honduras September 12, 2024
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