Mon LaferteLyrics
Soy todo lo que tu soñaste
I am everything you dreamed of
Soy mejor mujer mejor amante
I am a better woman, a better lover
Soy como una joya un diamante
I am like a jewel, a diamond
Especie en extinción
Species in danger
Soy la que te mima por las noches
I am the one who pampers you at night
Soy la que te presta hasta su coche
I am the one who lends you even her car
Soy tu amiga fiel
I am your faithful friend
Soy un derroche
I am a waste
Soy solo excitación
I am just excitement
Pero esa mujer
But that woman
Se ha metido entre tus pies
She has gotten between your feet
Quisiera saber Si ella te sera tan fiel
I would like to know if she will be as faithful
Si te ha llamado
If she has called you
Si te ha besado
If she has kissed you
Si te ha tocado como lo hago
If she has touched you like I do
Si te has dormido en su ombligo
If you have slept on her belly
Si te has sentido bien con esa mujer
If you have felt good with that woman
Yo seria la madre de tus hijos
I would be the mother of your children
Yo te daba todo mi cariño
I would give you all my affection
Yo soy tu mejor opción conmigo
I am your best option with me
Tenias lo mejor
You had the best
Pero esa mujer
But that woman
Se ha metido entre tus pies
She has gotten between your feet
Quisiera saber Si ella te sera tan fiel
I would like to know if she will be as faithful
Si te ha llamado
If she has called you
Si te ha besado
If she has kissed you
Si te ha tocado como lo hago
If she has touched you like I do
Si te has dormido en su ombligo
If you have slept on her belly
Si te has sentido bien con esa mujer
If you have felt good with that woman
Pero cuando le hagas el amor
But when you make love to her
Se que en tu cabeza estoy yo
I know in your head, I am there
Siempre buscas calidad
You always seek quality
Por que tan bajo fuiste a dar
Why did you stoop so low?
No te ha llamado
She hasn't called you
No te ha besado
She hasn't kissed you
Ni te ha tocado como lo hago
She hasn't touched you like I do
No te has dormido en su ombligo
You haven't slept on her belly
Ni te has sentido bien
You haven't felt good
No te ha llamado
She hasn't called you
No te ha besado
She hasn't kissed you
Ni te ha tocado como lo hago
She hasn't touched you like I do
No te has dormido en su ombligo
You haven't slept on her belly
Ni te has sentido bien con esa mujer
You haven't felt good with that woman
Con esa mujer
With that woman