Demasiao Perro Pa Trabajá, Demasiao Carvo Par Rocanró

Mojinos Escozios
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Tu que en aquellos años eras el que mas pelos tenias, cuantas

You who in those years were the one with the most hair, how many

Veses corriste delante de tu padre cada ves que queria llevarte

Times did you run in front of your father every time he wanted to take you

A la barberia pa cortarte esas lanas que tu tenias, y tu

To the barbershop to cut those woolly locks you had, and you



Con aquellos pelos que tu tenias solo te fartaba para ser una

With those locks you had, you only lacked to be a

Estrella del rocanro el sabe toca la bateria, pero eso le daba

Rock'n'roll star; he knows how to play the drums, but that gave him

Igua a las tias, porque ellas lo que querian era tocarte esas

Equal with the girls, because what they wanted was to touch

Lanas que tu tenias, y ahora eres...

Those locks you had, and now you are...

Demasiao perro pa trabaja, demasiao carvo par rocanro

Too much of a dog to work, too stubborn for rock'n'roll

Moderated by Carmen Navarro
Havana, Cuba January 30, 2025
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