Ay Amor

Kumbia Kings
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- Hello?


Tengo que hablar contigo

I have to talk to you

- ¿Que te pasa?

What's wrong with you?

Quisiera encontrar una manera mas facil para decirte lo que te tengo que decir, pero al final creo que lo mejor es, que te diga la verdad

I would like to find an easier way to tell you what I have to tell you, but in the end, I think it's best for me to tell you the truth

Porfavor no digas nada, solo dejame terminar de hablar

Please don't say anything, just let me finish talking

Nunca me costo tanto llamarte, porque se que voy a lastimarte, Hoy voy a tener que confesarte que algo no anda bien entre tu y yo

It never cost me so much to call you because I know I'm going to hurt you. Today, I have to confess that something is not right between you and me

Se que prometi nunca marcharme, pero al corazon no hay quien lo mande, tu no te mereces que te engañe, por eso lo mejor es este adios

I know I promised never to leave, but the heart can't be commanded. You don't deserve to be deceived, so the best thing is to say goodbye

Hay amor, como me duele

Oh, love, how it hurts me

Hay amor, no poder verte

Oh, love, not being able to see you

Hay amor, debes creerme, no es tuyo solamente este dolor

Oh, love, you must believe me, this pain is not yours alone

Hay amor, como me duele Hay amor, que nada quede

Oh, love, how it hurts me, Oh, love, let nothing remain

Hay amor, como pretendes quedarte, si el amor ya se marcho

Oh, love, how do you pretend to stay if love has already left?

Yo jure que nunca hiba a engañarte, es por eso que voy a alejarme, porque hay alguien mas que quiere amarme.. Te juro que no era mi intension

I swore I would never deceive you. That's why I'm going to distance myself because there's someone else who wants to love me. I swear it wasn't my intention

Se que prometi nunca marcharme, pero al corazon no hay quien lo mande, tu no te mereces que te engañe, por eso lo mejor es este adios

I know I promised never to leave, but the heart can't be commanded. You don't deserve to be deceived, so the best thing is to say goodbye

Hay amor, como me duele

Oh, love, how it hurts me

Hay amor, no poder verte

Oh, love, not being able to see you

Hay amor, debes creerme, no es tuyo solamente este dolor

Oh, love, you must believe me, this pain is not yours alone

Hay amor, como me duele Hay amor, que nada quede

Oh, love, how it hurts me, Oh, love, let nothing remain

Hay amor, como pretendes quedarte, si el amor ya se marcho

Oh, love, how do you pretend to stay if love has already left?

Necesito que lo entiendas, no intentaba lastimarte, no lo entiendo me fallo este corazon

I need you to understand, I didn't mean to hurt you. I don't understand; this heart failed me

El amor cambio de casa, ya no hay nada que nos ata y me duele que no encuentro una razon

Love changed its home; there's nothing holding us together now. And it hurts that I can't find a reason

Hay amor, como me duele

Oh, love, how it hurts me

Hay amor, no poder verte

Oh, love, not being able to see you

Hay amor, debes creerme, no es tuyo solamente este dolor

Oh, love, you must believe me, this pain is not yours alone

Hay amor, como me duele Hay amor, que nada quede

Oh, love, how it hurts me, Oh, love, let nothing remain

Hay amor, como pretendes quedarte, si el amor ya se marcho

Oh, love, how do you pretend to stay if love has already left?

Hay amor, como me duele

Oh, love, how it hurts me

Hay amor, no poder verte

Oh, love, not being able to see you

Hay amor, debes creerme, no es tuyo solamente este dolor

Oh, love, you must believe me, this pain is not yours alone

Hay amor, como me duele Hay amor, que nada quede

Oh, love, how it hurts me, Oh, love, let nothing remain

Hay amor, como pretendes quedarte, si el amor ya se marcho

Oh, love, how do you pretend to stay if love has already left?

Moderated by Sofia Diaz
Guatemala City, Guatemala March 5, 2025
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