Ahora soy yo

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Recuerdo muy bien

I remember very well

Cuantas veces te llame

How many times I called you

Cuando decias que no

When you said no

Que ya ibas a volver

That you were coming back

Pero yo estaba tan loca decelos

But I was so crazy, suspicions

Y no queria perderte

And I didn't want to lose you

y sufri al esperar por ti

And I suffered waiting for you

Me arrepiento

I regret

Ahora soy yo la que quiere decirte que no

Now it's me who wants to tell you no

Que esta noche no quiero con vos

That tonight I don't want it with you

Ya no siento calor por tu cuerpo

I no longer feel warmth for your body

Ahora soy yo la que quiere cambiar se canso

Now it's me who wants to change, got tired

Estar segunda en tu juego de amor

To be second in your game of love

La que sueña tan solo un momento

The one who dreams just for a moment

Yo ya no te quiero...

I don't love you anymore...

Moderated by Gabriela Castillo
Panama City, Panama March 4, 2025
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