Se Mamo El Becerro

Luis y Julián
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Iba montado en su cuaco

He was riding his nag

Lo acompañaba su perro

His dog was accompanying him

Se empinaba la botella

He tilted the bottle

Recordaba aquel su encierro

He remembered his confinement

Le informaron que en su casa

He was informed that in his house

Casi a diario había un entierro

Almost every day there was a funeral

Nomás pensaba y pensaba

He just kept thinking and thinking

No se explicaba el asunto

He couldn't explain the matter

Otro trago se aventaba

He took another drink

Regresaba al mismo punto

He returned to the same point

Cómo es que había tanto entierro

How come there were so many funerals

Si no había ningún difunto

If there was no deceased

Le apuraba a su caballo

He urged his horse on

Con las espuelas de hierro

With the iron spurs

Iba llegando al corral

He was arriving at the pen

Que estaba bajando el cerro

That was at the foot of the hill

No pudo ordeñar la vaca

He couldn't milk the cow

Por que se mamó el becerro

Because the calf got drunk

Casi llegando a su casa

Almost arriving home

Macario tomó un atajo

Macario took a shortcut

Abrió la puerta de atrás

He opened the back door

Se puso verde el carajo

The hell turned green

Su compadre estaba arriba

His buddy was upstairs

Su mujer estaba abajo

His wife was downstairs

Con el cuchillo en la mano

With the knife in hand

Sintió que le hervía la sangre

He felt his blood boiling

Le cortó los dos al vato

He cut the two from the dude

Al perro le quitó el hambre

He fed the dog

Y le dijó a su mujer

And said to his wife

Es todo tuyo el compadre

The buddy is all yours

Maldiciendo a su mujer

Cursing his wife

Macario se fue pa'l cerro

Macario went to the hill

Mentándosela al compadre

Insulting his buddy

Aquel que le puso el cuerno

The one who cuckolded him

Supo que de los amigos

He knew among friends

El mejor siempre es el perro

The best one is always the dog

Moderated by Isabel Ruiz
Quito, Ecuador March 15, 2025
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