Tu Eres Rey
Oh perfecto inigualable Dios
Oh perfect and unmatched God
Amor inexplicable
Inexplicable love
Tu reino inigualable
Your kingdom unparalleled
Asombroso coronado estas
You are astonishingly crowned
En trono de victoria
On the throne of victory
Vestido estas de gloria
You are dressed in glory
Por los siglos de los siglos
For the ages of the ages
Tu reino se establecerá
Your kingdom will be established
Digno de gloria, digno de honor
Worthy of glory, worthy of honor
Digno de toda adoración
Worthy of all adoration
Tú eres rey, tú eres rey
You are king, you are king
Tú eres rey, tú eres rey
You are king, you are king
Tú eres rey, tú eres rey
You are king, you are king
Oh perfecto inigualable Dios
Oh perfect and unmatched God
Tu amor inexplicable
Your inexplicable love
Tu reino incomparable
Your incomparable kingdom
Asombroso coronado estas
You are astonishingly crowned
En trono de victoria
On the throne of victory
Vestido estas de gloria
You are dressed in glory
Por los siglos de los siglos
For the ages of the ages
Tu reino se establecerá
Your kingdom will be established
Digno de gloria, digno de honor
Worthy of glory, worthy of honor
Digno de toda adoración
Worthy of all adoration
Tú eres rey, tú eres rey
You are king, you are king
Tú eres rey, tú eres rey
You are king, you are king
Tú eres rey, tú eres rey
You are king, you are king
Hoy perfumamos tu trono
Today, we perfume your throne
Hoy perfumamos tu trono
Today, we perfume your throne
Hoy perfumamos tu trono
Today, we perfume your throne
Recibe alabanza
Receive praise
Por los siglos de los siglos
For the ages of the ages
Tu reino se establecerá
Your kingdom will be established
Digno de gloria, digno de honor
Worthy of glory, worthy of honor
Digno de toda adoración
Worthy of all adoration
Tú eres rey, tú eres rey
You are king, you are king
Tú eres rey, tú eres rey
You are king, you are king
Tú eres rey, tú eres rey
You are king, you are king