Hoy Te Vi Pasar

Kiko Rodriguez
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Hoy la vi pasar

Today I saw her pass by

Y sin querer se apoderaron de mí

And unintentionally, they took over me

Antiguos sentimientos

Ancient feelings

Y yo pensé que no existían en mí

And I thought they didn't exist in me

Que estaban más que muertos

That they were more than dead

Tanto tiempo

So much time

Hoy la vi pasar

Today I saw her pass by

Sentí algo extraño

I felt something strange

Que no puedo explicar

That I can't explain

A menos que lo quiera

Unless I want to

Que la sangre me quemaba la piel

That the blood burned my skin

Corriendo por mis venas

Running through my veins

Que condena ayyyyyyyy

What a condemnation ayyyyyyyy

Y recordé todos los buenos momentos

And I remembered all the good moments

Que viví a su lado

That I lived by her side

Cuando mi cielo lo lleno de estrellas

When my sky filled with stars

Con sus huellas ayyyyyyyyy

With her traces ayyyyyyyyy

Y recordé todo lo triste y lo malo

And I remembered all the sad and bad things

Que pase contigo

That I went through with you

Que fue por ella todo lo que he sufrido

That everything I've suffered was for her

Con su olvido hoy

With her forgetfulness today

Hoy la vi pasar

Today I saw her pass by

Y me di cuenta que jamás la olvide

And I realized I never forgot her

Que todavía la quiero

That I still love her

Que esta en mi vida

That she's in my life

Que no puedo olvidar

That I can't forget

Que no soy de acero

That I'm not made of steel

Y no puedo

And I can't

Hoy la vi pasar

Today I saw her pass by

Y sin querer se apoderaron de mí

And unintentionally, they took over me

Antiguos sentimientos

Ancient feelings

Y yo pensé que no existían en mí

And I thought they didn't exist in me

Que estaban más que muertos

That they were more than dead

Tanto tiempo

So much time

Moderated by Carmen Navarro
Havana, Cuba March 15, 2025
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