
Los Trovadores de Cuyo
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India bella mezcla de diosa y pantera

Beautiful Indian, a blend of goddess and panther

Doncella desnuda que habita elGuairá

Naked maiden who dwells in Guairá

Arisco remanso curvó sus caderas

Her wild refuge curved its hips

Copiando un recodo de azul Paraná

Copying a bend of the blue Paraná

De su tribu la flor

From her tribe, the flower

Montaraz Guayaki

Wild Guayaki

Eva arisca de amor

Untamed Eve of love

Del edén guaraní

From the Guarani Eden

Bravea en las sienes su orgullo de plumas

She flaunts in her temples the pride of feathers

Su lengua es salvaje panal de Eiruzu

Her tongue is a wild hive of Eiruzu

Collar de colmillos, de tigres y plumas

Necklace of fangs, of tigers and feathers

Enjoya la moza de Ibitiruzu

The girl from Ibitiruzu adorns herself

La silvestre mujer

The wild woman

Que la selva es su hogar

Whose home is the jungle

También sabe reír

Also knows how to laugh

También sabe soñar

Also knows how to dream

Moderated by Isabel Ruiz
Quito, Ecuador March 10, 2025
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