El Triste
Zacarías FerreiraLyrics
Me dicen el triste
They call me the sad one
Solo hago sufrir
I only cause suffering
Y busco una salida
And I look for a way out
Para no morir me
So as not to die
Porque puse en ti
Because I placed in you
Toda la esperanza
All my hope
Unirme a tu vida
To join your life
Y por fin ser feliz
And finally be happy
Y ¿Qué puedo hacer?
And what can I do?
Dimelo Dios
Tell me, God
Si la necesito
If I need her
Y me niega su amor
And she denies me her love
Pasan las horas
Hours pass by
Y la soledad
And the loneliness
Que vive conmigo
That lives with me
Me quiere matar
Wants to kill me
Hoy me toca sufrir
Today it's my turn to suffer
Hoy me toca llorar
Today it's my turn to cry
Tu no quieres que te hable
You don't want me to talk to you
Tu no quieres que te hable mas de amor
You don't want me to talk to you about love anymore
Dime ¿Qué hago yo?
Tell me, what do I do?
Si tu no sales de mi vida
If you don't leave my life
Este amor no no se va
This love doesn't go away
Y voy sufriendo y voy llorando (bis)
And I'm suffering and I'm crying (repeat)
Si se ha perdido mi vida es culpa de tu amor (bis)
If my life is lost, it's because of your love (repeat)
Loco de tristeza
Crazy with sadness
Al caminar
As I walk
Que estan mis amigos
My friends see
Quisieran llorar
They would like to cry
Porque puse en ti
Because I placed in you
Toda la esperanza
All my hope
Unirme a tu vida
To join your life
Y por fin ser feliz
And finally be happy
Y ¿Qué puedo hacer?
And what can I do?
Dimelo Dios
Tell me, God
Si la necesito
If I need her
Y me niega su amor
And she denies me her love
Pasan las horas
Hours pass by
Y la soledad
And the loneliness
Que vive conmigo
That lives with me
Me quiere matar
Wants to kill me
Hoy me toca sufrir
Today it's my turn to suffer
Hoy me toca llorar
Today it's my turn to cry
Tu no quieres que te hable
You don't want me to talk to you
Tu no quieres que te hable mas de amor
You don't want me to talk to you about love anymore
Dime ¿Qué hago yo?
Tell me, what do I do?
Si tu no sales de mi vida
If you don't leave my life
Este amor no no se va
This love doesn't go away
Y voy sufriendo y voy llorando (bis)
And I'm suffering and I'm crying (repeat)
Si se ha perdido mi vida es culpa de tu amor (bis)
If my life is lost, it's because of your love (repeat)