El Hombre Reprimido
Los Tres Tristes TigresLyrics
Espera aun le queda media hora a este partido
Wait, there's still half an hour left for this game
No esta la carne y todavía no e comido
The meat isn't ready, and I haven't eaten yet
No seas así que estamos chupando tranquilos
Don't be like that; we're drinking calmly
Espera todavía están hasta la madre las hileras
Wait, the queues are still packed
Yo llevo dos y acabo de abrir la tercera no seas así
I've had two, and I just opened the third; don't be like that
No por favor no seas cu.. Tan fea
Please, don't be so ugly
Espera un poco un poquito mas no me derrumbes
Wait a bit, a little more, don't collapse on me
La felicidad solo un seisito me voy a tomar y si me voy
Happiness, just a small sip, and I'll take off; and if I go
Se burlaran
They'll make fun
Espera un poco un poquito mas me vine en uber para
Wait a bit, a little more, I came by Uber to
No arriesgar la otra semana te propongo es mas
Not risk it; next week, I suggest, it's more
Cuido a los niños y te vas
I'll take care of the kids, and you go
Ya cuelga que se me quedan viendo feo estos weyes
Hang up; these guys are looking at me weird
Me toman fotos y seguro me aran memes no seas así
They're taking pictures, and surely, they'll make memes; don't be like that
Duérmete ya y no me esperes
Sleep now and don't wait for me
Espera no estes gritando ya me estoy encabronando
Wait, don't be yelling; I'm getting pissed off
Apenas son las once y ya me estas chingando
It's only eleven, and you're already bothering me
Has lo que quieras y mi cel voy apagralo
Do whatever you want, and I'll turn off my phone
Espera un poco me exalte de mas ya en un ratito
Wait a bit; I got too worked up; in a little while
Me voy para aya tienes razón pues es muy tarde ya
I'll come over there; you're right; it's already late
Okey mi vida sale va
Okay, my love; fine, I'm coming