
Los Secretos
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Déjame, no juegues más conmigo,

Let me go, don't play with me anymore,

esta vez, en serio te lo digo

this time, I'm seriously telling you,

tuviste una oportunidad,

you had an opportunity,

y la dejaste escapar.

and you let it slip away.

Déjame, no vuelvas a mi lado,

Let me go, don't come back to my side,

una vez, estuve equivocado,

once, I was mistaken,

pero ahora todo eso pasó,

but now all that's past,

no queda nada de ese amor.

there's nothing left of that love.

No hay nada que ahora ya, puedas hacer

There's nothing that now you can do,

porque a tu lado yo, no volveré, no volveré.

because by your side,

Déjame, ya no tiene sentido,

Let me go, it doesn't make sense anymore,

es mejor que sigas tu camino,

it's better that you continue your path,

que yo el mío seguiré,

as I will follow mine,

por eso ahora déjame.

that's why now let me go.

No hay nada que ahora ya, puedas hacer

There's nothing that now you can do,

porque a tu lado yo,

because by your side I,

no volveré, no volveré.

won't come back, I won't return.

Déjame, ya no tiene sentido,

Let me go, it doesn't make sense anymore,

es mejor que sigas tu camino,

it's better that you continue your path,

que yo el mío seguiré,

as I will follow mine,

por eso ahora déjame,,

that's why now let me go.

Tuviste una oportunidad

You had an opportunity

y la dejaste escapar...

and you let it slip away...

Moderated by Ana Martínez
Santiago, Chile February 25, 2025
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