Ojitos Provincianos
Miguel Aceves MejíaLyrics
Que bonita está la tarde
How beautiful the afternoon is
No hace frio, ni hace calor.
It's neither cold nor hot.
Bonita pa' ir a pasearme
Beautiful for going out
Con la dueña de mi amor.
With the owner of my love.
Cada que la voy a ver
Every time I go to see her
Es más grande su penar.
Her sorrow grows greater.
Por culpa de mi querer
Because of my love
La empiezan a regañar.
They start scolding her.
Que bonita es mi ranchera
How beautiful is my ranch girl
Con sus ojos provincianos.
With her provincial eyes.
Lástima que no me quiera
Too bad she doesn't love me
Ninguno de sus hermanos.
None of her brothers.
No te apures mi luzita
Don't worry, my little light
Ni te dés a la tristeza
Don't give in to sadness
Lo mucho que nos queremos
What matters is how much we love each other
Es lo que nos interesa.
That's what interests us.
Les dirás a tus papás
You will tell your parents
Que no te anden regañando.
Not to scold you
Porque ya te vas conmigo
Because you're already leaving with me
Y te ván a de quedar llorando.
And they are going to be left crying.
Ya te tengo tu casita
I already have your little house
Cerca de la milpa grande.
Near the large cornfield.
tengo tambien mi yuntita
I also have my little plow
que es herencia de mis padres
It's an inheritance from my parents.